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Other tracks from
4.2 - A Vast Plane
4.3 - Abandon Hope
4.4 - Don't You Dare Close Your Eyes
4.5 - Thoughts on the Dead Pt 2
ALL - Call to Action, Again
and Encounters
Chapter 0 (Prologue)
0.1 - Wretched
0.2 - The Dream
Chapter 1
1.1 - Rearrange
1.2 - Exploring the Base
1.3 - Quick Learn
1.4 - Call to Action
1.5 - A Ritual Harvest
Chapter 2
2.1 - Fresh Meat, Cute
2.2 - Flight South
2.3 - Sky Encounter
2.4 - Amazonian Navigation
2.5 - Inspired and Ruined
2.6 - EDucation By Portal
2.7 - New Boss / Old Boss
2.8 - Easy Victor
Chapter 3
3.1 - R'lyeh
3.2 - Tendrils of R'lyeh
3.3 - Thoughts on the Dead, Pt. 1
3.4 - Hidden Pathways
3.5 - These Aren't Horses, Pt. 1
3.6 - These Aren't Horses, Pt. 2
3.7 - The Morningstar
3.8 - Wanderstar
3.9 - Dream Encounter, Pt. 1
3.10 - Sidequest - Forget or Not
Chapter 4
4.1 - Dream Encounter, Pt. 2
4.2 - A Vast Plane
4.4 - Abandon Hope
4.4 - Don't You Dare Close Your Eyes
4.5 - Thoughts on the Dead, Pt. 2
Chapter 5
5.1 - Antarctica
5.2 - Heart and Home
5.3 - Betrayal
5.4 - Yoreblind
5.5 - Misaligned
5.6 - Sidequest - Forbidden Text
Chapter 6
6.1 - City of the Old Ones
6.2 - Gathering Context
6.3 - Statistical Anomaly
6.4 - Dream Encounter, Pt. 3
6.5 - Run Through the City
6.6 - Rubei & Cærulei
6.7 - Dream Lieder
6.8 - Dream Eater
6.9 - Sidequest - Brood
Chapter 7
7.1 - Original Graveyard
7.2 - Shifting Sands
7.3 - Virtual Particle
7.4 - Align
7.4.1 - Align(ment)
7.4.2 - Align(ing)
7.4.3 - Align(s)
7.4.4 - Align(ed)
7.5 - Binary Decision
7.6 - Last Knight in Eritrea
Chapter 8 - Epilogue
8.1 - Infinite Mirror
8.2 - Mirror's Edge, Pt. 2
General Tracks
Battle Music (Call to Action, Again)
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